Friday, July 26, 2019

june 19-23 - new york!!!

erm... four drawings for this post because new york was so fun...

this is, quite obviously, the boy and me flying to new york. clearly a plane on the left, x marks seattle where we left, and x marks what can only be new york city on the right, because that's the statue of liberty. in which hand does she hold the torch i wonder....

a red-eye flight makes very sleepy people and we weren't able to check into the hotel early. after a good nap we went to see sleep no more, which is freaking amazing. that rectangle with horizontal lines is the mckittrick hotel, where the play is held, and that's us on the right running up and down stairs chasing after actors. and that's a mask floating over my head, but actually we wore them on our faces. 

walked to central park and had a horse carriage ride, then to the american museum of natural history where we saw baby t rexes and neil degrasse tyson told us a story about the dark universe while massaging our tired feets. later we headed back to the mckittrick hotel to see speakeasy magick - MAGIC IS REAL I AM NOT KIDDING.

on our last day we took the subway (see us trotting downstairs to the subway) to queens to visit yoseka stationery where we both bought sweet new pens. the boy's pen is a bit sweeter than mine because it came in a fancy box and has beautiful pen cap removal/replacement action. then we went to see sleep no more again because it's amazing and why not? that's macbeth hanging dead (spoiler alert: macbeth dies at the end of the play) and we're running and chasing actors again. oops - almost forgot the mask, but see it there below the actor. it has eyes and a pointy snout.

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